
about opreturn.net
Explore & interact with bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, & garlicoin blockchains
We're interested in proof of work coins, and in interacting with and exploring their blockchains.

In addition to peer-to-peer money, blockchains can be used to save data or messages in a permanent and tamper proof medium.
To help facilitate this, opreturn.net hosts blockchain explorers, api services, and other tools:
  • API -- API documentation to retrieve blockchain data programmatically
  • The Dogewall -- Create dogecoin op_return transactions to leave messages and blockchain graffiti on dogecoin
  • P2SHDATA Protocol -- Save up to 88kb data files in p2shdata addresses
  • create p2shdata -- Save files or data to the garlicoin blockchain for some large blockchain graffiti

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, bug reports, feature requests, etc...

Post message to opreturn.net. Include contact information if you'd like a reply.

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