GET Blocktimes Endpoint GET /api/[$coin]/blocktimes/[$height]/ //Returns object array of block height, hash, time for 300 blocks, starting at provided height //If height is greater than highest block, returns 300 most recent blocks [OPTIONS] $coin (string): btc or ltc or doge or grlc $height (int): starting block height, set above current block height to get 300 most recent blocks
curl ""
"coin": "btc",
"cmd": "blocktimes",
"input": 600000,
"success": true,
"blocktimes": [
"height": 600000,
"hash": "00000000000000000007316856900e76b4f7a9139cfbfba89842c8d196cd5f91",
"time": 1571443461
"height": 600001,
"hash": "00000000000000000000817313d6b5fe4838ec6eff47fbe7c4b9f22a40c2a4f4",
"time": 1571443613
"height": 600002,
"hash": "00000000000000000002447735c7723ee9188322c0938e6587866a4458b9135f",
"time": 1571444075
"...": "..."
"height": 600299,
"hash": "0000000000000000001402fa829a5aabeed3e7a5b691d6af4def1771b5b44663",
"time": 1571624512