
API Documentation

opreturn.net provides a simple REST JSON API to programmatically retrieve blockchain data over HTTPS.
Supported blockchains include bitcoin (btc), litecoin (ltc), dogecoin (doge), and garlicoin (grlc).

Documentation to request data is below, along with code examples and the JSON response.
all, apikey, address, block, bestblockhash, blockchaininfo, blockheader, blocktimes, hash, mempool, network, peers, pubkey, transaction


GET Mempool

GET /api/[$coin]/mempool/[$verbose]

//If verbose is 0, returns details on the active state of the memory pool
//If verbose is 1, returns array of txids in memory pool

$coin (string): btc or ltc or doge or grlc
$verbose (boolean):

Code example - get mempool

curl "https://opreturn.net/api/btc/mempool/"


    "coin": "btc",
    "cmd": "mempool",
    "verbose": 0,
    "success": true,
    "mempool": {
        "loaded": true,
        "size": 9756,
        "bytes": 3359042,
        "usage": 20769184,
        "total_fee": 0.05166626,
        "maxmempool": 50000000,
        "mempoolminfee": 1.0e-6,
        "minrelaytxfee": 1.0e-6,
        "incrementalrelayfee": 1.0e-5,
        "unbroadcastcount": 0,
        "fullrbf": false